Sunday, July 31, 2011

Your Grace Is Enough

Sometimes I can't help but laugh at the ways the Lord works.  I find myself reading a book and then being immediately challenged numerous times on the very subject the book or the passage dealt with.  Only our God has the ability to work such things for His glory.  My favorite book of the past year was What's So Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey.  The main difference between Christianity and other religions is grace in the words of C.S. Lewis.  I have been challenged to live out this difference in many ways these past few weeks.

God's grace is evident all around me and in me.  It is only by His grace that I am alive.  It is by His grace that I have my current job.  It is even by His grace that I am single and waiting on the one He has to run the race with me.  His grace is sufficient and all I need.

The question then is how do I breathe that same grace into the lives of others?  I am far to oft selfish, prideful, and impatient.  I like to see the faults in others instead of working on those that exist in my own being.  I only like to give grace to those who give it to me.  This is the antithesis of Christ's grace.  He laid down His life and took up His cross.  It was on that very cross as He called to His father to forgive and save the very ones that crucified Him.  He forgives over and over no matter how deserving we are.  Even more amazing is that He forgets and does not hold those sins over our heads.

The ball is in my court.  Romans 12 reminds me that as far as it depends on ME to live at peace with everyone.  I can not control the actions of others, but only my own actions and reactions.  I can not wait for grace to be given, rather I must give grace and love unconditionally.  I must look first to the needs of others.  I must humble myself and wait upon the Lord for "The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." (Ecclesiastes 7:8).  I must remove the plank from my eye instead of focusing on the specks in the eyes of others.  As it is written in John 8:6-8, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." 

It is for God alone to judge.  Only He is righteous, pure, and able.  That same pure, holy, just, jealous God shows AMAZING grace.  May I be found doing the same as a humble servant, made in His image, and for His glory.

Let It Go - Newsboys

You are waiting on a beach
For a healing word to come
Maybe an apology in a bottle
Maybe a flare that says, "I'm sorry."
And the hurting leaves you numb

Will you forgive?
Will you forget?
Will you live what you know?
He left his rights
Will you leave yours?
You don't understand it
Let it go

You are waiting on a beach
This is where the east meets west
And as another sun sets on your anger
The darkness laughs, as the wound destroys
And it turns your prayers to noise

Will you forgive?
Will you forget?
Will you live what you know?
He left his rights
Will you leave yours?
You won't understand it
Let it go

This bitterness you hide
It seeps into your soul
And it steals your joy
'til it's all you know
Let it go

Will you forgive?
Will you forget?
Will you live what you know?
He left his rights
Will you leave yours?
You won't understand it
Let it go

Will you forgive?
Will you forget?
Will you live what you know?
Beneath the cross
You hear His words,
"Father, forgive them,"
And you know
You can't understand it
Let it go

Who do you need to forgive (and forget) today?  What bitterness are you holding onto?  Forgive, forget, and live by the grace that God lavishes upon us.  If grace is the difference between Christianity and other religions and yet we do not live it or give it, are we truly any different?  Oh that we might breathe grace into the dark and needing world around us.  What a pleasant aroma that would be to others and to the glory of the giver of grace and life.  His Grace Is Truly Enough!

1 comment:

  1. Another great post!....even if it didn't include anything about Justin Bieber. ;)
