Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Thanksgiving

As I have sat and enjoyed Thanksgiving with my family and life long friends, I have been reminded again of how truly blessed I am.  It is sad that for myself and many Americans it takes a special day to remind us to reminisce and be thankful for all we have and are.  The past few months have forced me to take a look at my life; past, present, and future.  As I have done so, I can not help but see the hand and providence of a wonderful God woven throughout my life. 

After the turkey was gone, the games played, and the friends has said their goodbyes, I was blessed with some time to ponder this day and why I need Thanksgiving.  Why should I be thankful today?  Why should I be thankful tomorrow?

I am blessed with another day.  God has allowed me another day to breath and enjoy the life He has created for me.  I may not be able to run right now, but I can walk, sing, and rejoice.  My God is greater, stronger, and He is a healer who is awesome in power.  He gave the greatest gift of all that I might spend eternity with Him.  While I got used to losing a lot in high school and college basketball, it always pained me deeply.  It angered me.  What a joy to know that no matter what happens here on earth, I have eternal victory over death and the grave through Jesus Christ. That in itself makes Thanksgiving a great day. May each breath of every day be music and worship to His ears.

I am thankful for where the Lord has me.  I am truly proud to be an American and thankful for those who daily put their lives in harms way to give me that freedom.  I am thankful for the freedom we have to worship and to fellowship.  I pray that the Lord sends a revival to this great nation and that we are truly once again One Nation Under GOD.  God bless America!

I am thankful for the gifts the Lord has given to me and the passions He has laid on my heart. They have driven me and led to into who I am today. I find true joy as I use them to seek and fulfill His calling on my life.  I pray for greater opportunities to use these gifts for His name's sake.

I am thankful for my family.  As I hear stories of broken families and of holiday drama in other families I can truly thank the Lord for a family who loves each other and who above all loves the Lord.  They are a constant example of God's unconditional and sacrificial love.  They daily set an example for me in life.  As I see my mom and dad serve I am so proud and so convicted.  How often do I serve only when asked and forget to simply look around for need?  I must be looking for opportunities to serve rather than waiting to be asked. The need is great and the harvest is ready. Make me a servant like my parents Lord. I see the looks on the faces of neighbors when my parents show up to do a thoughtful deed spur of the moment. Christ is truly seen in my parents and I pray that in these holiday times I become a greater servant. As I serve may He become more as I become less.

I am thankful for the legacy that is being left.  As I see my grandpa begin to fade I am saddened.  My selfish, human nature longs for him to remain on earth.  I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that He has a home in glory and he anxiously awaits the day he will see his Savior face to face for He has that eternal hope.  I too long for that day when there will be no more pain and just the glory of the Lord.  I think of my grandpa's life (grandma too) and wish I had spent more hours listening to stories.  Life is fleeting, but the legacy is forever.  The lives that have been touched, mine included, are immeasurable.  I hope and pray that I leave that same legacy of service and love for His kingdom.  I long to hear Him say "Well done good and faithful servant."

As this year has passed by quickly I have gone through many things I would not have chosen for myself. I have come to realize that I am thankful for His perfect plan. His plan is to prosper me even though I may not see it in the here and now. I look back on my life and hindsight truly is a thing of beauty. God has woven a beautiful story in my life. I have fallen time and again and made a mess of things quite often. The beauty comes in Him cleaning it up, washing me clean, and loving me as my Abba Father. My job may not be where I see myself, but it is where God has me for this season. My relationship status may not always be how I want, but it is where God wants me right now. Many of my friends have moved and it is not what I desired, but God knows and He has strengthened some of those very friendships through the miles and struggles. One of the songs I loved to hear my grandpa sing was Because He Lives. This song reminds us that because He lives I can face tomorrow. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His faithful plan for my life to date will continue into the future and for eternity. In that I hope and promise I can truly rest.

The Bible is full of the traits of God though we can never really comprehend His majesty and power for His ways and thoughts are far above ours.  He is our God, our Creator, our Healer.  He is the beginning and the end.  He is the friend of sinners. He loves us unconditionally with more grace and mercy than we can fathom. He is faithful when we are faithless. He pours out blessings on our lives from His immeasurable riches. He is always there and always listens. He knows every part of us even before we were formed. He is our strength, our salvation, and our shield. He gives us livingwater that we may never thirst. Above all He is our eternal Father and we are His children whom He dearly loves.

Today and everyday I choose to be thankful.  Thankful despite hardships and pain.  Thankful despite my plans falling apart.  Thankful despite what the world may say.  Thankful simply because He lives, He loves me, and He has a perfect plan.  I can truly say from my heart, "THANK YOU!"

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

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